
Words I Wanted to Say to Myself

talk2myself 2024. 9. 9. 12:44
To myself 10 years ago:
“Put your health before work and spend more time with your family.”


To myself 20 years ago:
“Your life won’t be as bad as you think! Try to see the world more positively.”


To myself 30 years ago:
“What you dream and think is right. Don’t worry about what others think and live according to your own beliefs.”



The words I would say to my past self are, in some ways, reflections of regrets I have about my life. At the same time, they can be a way of blaming my past self for the shortcomings or failures I have now, tied to a past I cannot change. In reality, my past self was a different person from who I am today. In that sense, regretting the past is not much different from shifting the blame to someone else.


Messages to my past self are like giving advice to a third party—since it doesn’t seem like your own problem, the depth and sincerity are often lacking.


The messages I would give to my past self are still valid for the present me. Instead of sending those messages to the past, deliver them to yourself now.


That alone could change your life.

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