
They Say I'm Still in the Middle.

talk2myself 2024. 9. 7. 12:38

In the early 2000s, the median age in Korea was in the early 30s. I was in my late 20s back then, so I was part of the most dynamic age group in the country. The nation was filled with youth and energy, and the excitement of the World Cup was a perfect reflection of that vibrant spirit.

Now, 20 years later, in 2024, the median age in Korea is about 45. As someone in my late 40s, I’m still considered in the middle in terms of age in our country. My feeling that I’m not that old yet wasn’t just a misconception. However, this also means that our society has aged and lost some of its vibrancy. By 10 p.m., the streets are already quiet. At first, I thought this change was mainly due to the pandemic altering our lifestyles, but that’s not the whole story. While COVID-19 certainly played a role, it also highlights the decline in the number of young people in our society. There are fewer young people to enjoy late-night leisure, and even those who are young today seem to be losing their youthful energy, as our society has become too tight and demanding for them to enjoy such freedoms.


We often hear news about the falling birth rate and how we’re on the brink of becoming a super-aged society. I can’t help but think that today’s young people might not fully grasp the dynamic 20s and early 30s that I experienced.


This is the world we, the middle-aged and older generations, have created. Many of the challenges faced by today’s youth may be consequences of our actions. Moreover, the burden could grow even heavier, and 20 years from now, our children might have to carry the weight.


Before it’s too late, what must we do?

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