
Let's Live with a Little Bit of Loss

talk2myself 2024. 9. 5. 13:13

Humans are inherently selfish. In fact, all living things are fundamentally selfish because it gives them a survival advantage. So, I have no complaints about people being selfish. However, humans are also social creatures. We don't live alone, and sometimes we must endure some discomfort for the sake of others. This is why we have intelligence—to occasionally suppress our selfish instincts and make choices that benefit society. This altruism is what has driven the progress of human civilization and distinguishes us from animals.

Yet, there are people around us who show no consideration for others. They cannot tolerate even the slightest inconvenience for themselves, causing much greater inconvenience to those around them. You see it when someone forces their way into a long line of cars, disrupting traffic, or when parents fail to control their children running around in a restaurant. Perhaps they took a wrong turn because they were unfamiliar with the area, or maybe letting their child play freely is part of their parenting philosophy. However, ironically, these are often the people who harshly criticize others when the same behavior is directed at them. They feel that they are the ones losing out.


It’s true that our society is not what it used to be. The idea of never wanting to be on the losing end has become stronger than the spirit of consideration for others. People understand that someone needs to give way, but they believe that someone shouldn’t be them.

Still, there are more altruistic and considerate people in our society than not. What worries me, however, is the possibility that even these kind-hearted individuals could change over time. Who wants to be the one losing out? Even so, people continue to yield and show understanding, hoping that their actions will gradually lead to a better society. But if more and more people take advantage of this goodwill, those who are considerate will eventually diminish.


How about me? How much have I lived today by taking a little loss?

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