
Drifting without emotion

talk2myself 2024. 9. 1. 12:48

Lately, nothing seems to stir my heart. I try to engage in things that once brought me joy—reading, watching movies, listening to music—but none of it resonates. Everything feels dull and lifeless, as if I’m merely going through the motions of life without truly living it.


I meet friends, go to work, and fulfill my daily obligations, but there’s a hollowness that lingers beneath the surface. Even the simplest pleasures—like a cup of coffee on a morning or a stroll in the park—fail to bring the slightest sense of contentment. It’s as if my senses have been muted, and everything is just a blurred, colorless version of what it used to be.


It’s not that I don’t want to feel excited or moved. I desperately want to reconnect with the things that used to light up my world. But right now, it all feels out of reach, like trying to touch the horizon—visible but unattainable. I wonder if this numbness is just a phase or if it’s slowly becoming a permanent part of me.


I’ve realized that sometimes, it’s okay not to feel anything. Not every day has to be filled with passion or excitement. Perhaps, in this period of numbness, there is room for quiet reflection—a time to simply be, without the constant need to chase after emotions. I hope that by embracing this stillness, I can rediscover the spark that seems to have faded, trusting that, in time, the feelings will return.

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