
When Life Slaps You...

talk2myself 2024. 9. 11. 13:27

When life slaps you hard across the face and the pain feels unbearable, don't cry. If you cry, life—the one that slapped you—will think you’ve surrendered, and it will look down on you even more.


When life slaps you, don’t force a smile and pretend like nothing happened. Your face might be smiling, but your heart will be crushed, leaving you feeling even more miserable.


When life slaps you, gently rub your cheek and prepare for the next hit. Whether you block it, dodge it, or make your cheek tougher, be prepared for whatever comes next.

Then, next time, you won’t get slapped, or at least it won’t hurt as much.


If life is slapping you now and the pain feels overwhelming, don't blame life—blame yourself for not being prepared. Blaming life offers no solution. But when you hold yourself accountable, the solution becomes clear: change and strengthen yourself.

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