
The reason I started writing

talk2myself 2024. 9. 13. 12:44

The reason I started writing was to clear my mind. Everyone goes through tough and exhausting times, and while they say that God only gives us struggles we can handle, there are moments when hardships and pain come all at once, leaving us unable to think clearly. When external circumstances left me powerless to change anything, the only thing I could do was empty my mind. Like cleaning a house that hasn’t been tidied up in ages, I began to write in order to dust off the old, lingering thoughts and sweep away unnecessary worries.


I know that wiping away decades of accumulated dust isn’t something that can be done in just a couple of months, so I remind myself every day to calmly reflect on my past and present without rushing. Even so, I can’t help but feel a creeping sense of impatience in the corner of my mind. When that happens, I snap myself awake with a cold shower, and I pick up something to read. I don’t know when, but I know that the thing called “opportunity” will come to me again. Until that moment, I just do what I can now.

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