
Listen to Your Inner Voice More Than Others

talk2myself 2024. 9. 17. 05:45

When Jeff Bezos first founded Amazon in 1994, no one expected an online bookstore to succeed. Many criticized the idea of an internet shopping mall, calling it unrealistic.


Similarly, when Elon Musk started the electric car company Tesla and the space exploration company SpaceX, people dismissed his ventures as fantasies straight out of science fiction and criticized him as an out-of-touch dreamer.


Today, both men possess wealth exceeding $200 billion, and Elon Musk, through SpaceX, is projected to become the world’s first trillionaire in the coming years.

One common trait these individuals share is that they listened more to their own beliefs than to the criticisms of others. They trusted and encouraged themselves.


When you have an idea, it's important not to be overly swayed by the opinions of those around you. Instead, take a step back and critically evaluate your own idea. If you see potential, you need the strength to push forward.


Of course, this is easier said than done. But giving up can become a habit. Instead of giving up, try to challenge yourself, even if it means facing failure.


Even if the odds of success are just 1%, go for it. The moment you give up, those odds drop to 0%.

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