
Seek Comfort from Those You Don’t Know

talk2myself 2024. 9. 27. 12:31

When was the most difficult time in your life? Whether it was due to personal relationships, financial struggles, or feeling overwhelmed by your own limitations, have you ever fallen into despair? Who extended a hand to help you when you were suffering for various reasons? Most often, the people who helped you were likely friends or family. Whether they offered direct assistance, provided comfort, or simply listened to your concerns, in some way, they gave you the strength to carry on. If you have even one person in your life who can offer you comfort, you are fortunate.

But what if you feel there isn't a single person who can provide you with comfort? Does that make you an unfortunate person? Do you think that because you’ve never comforted anyone, you don’t deserve comfort yourself? Do you blame yourself for not having built such friendships or family relationships throughout your life?


However, comforting and caring for others is not like a transactional act of buying and selling. It is not done with the expectation of something in return. I believe it is part of human nature to simply share and empathize when someone close to us is struggling or in pain. Because I believe in this basic human nature, we can also find comfort from strangers halfway across the world. Just look at how many people on platforms like Reddit empathize with and offer advice on each other's problems. People always respond to sincere posts, and they will relate to your pain.


What people feel and think is often quite similar. It’s only because we worry that others may think differently that we hesitate to open up. Even when you feel utterly alone in this world, somewhere out there, someone will care about your problem and spend a moment sharing in your concerns. Likewise, remember that the brief comment you leave on someone else’s post could give them great hope or deepen their sorrow. Though we cannot see each other’s faces, our hearts are communicated through the words we leave behind.

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