

talk2myself 2024. 8. 20. 12:55

I've never really thought deeply about cooking. I haven't lived with a great passion for food. It's probably because I haven't found the time or the leisure to do so. I'm not particularly interested in preparing or cooking food. No matter where I am, I don't cook or even grill meat. Not only am I not interested, but I'm also not skilled at it.



Every year, my high school friends and I go on a trip together. We couldn't go during the pandemic, but this has become an annual tradition that's been going on for almost 10 years now. When we wake up in the morning and prepare food, I just stay out of the way. My friends don't expect much from me because they know I'm not much help. Instead, out of guilt, I take on the task of washing the dishes.


Recently, though, things have started to change a bit. I still can't imagine myself cooking, but I've begun to realize that cooking is not just about pleasing our taste buds and filling our stomachs. Watching cooking shows on TV or YouTube, I've come to understand that the act of cooking requires immense creativity. Think about how many different dishes can be made by combining the countless ingredients that exist on Earth! In that sense, chefs are artists. Not just because they make food that is delicious and visually appealing, but because, like a painter who uses countless colors to create a painting, chefs use countless ingredients to create dishes. Even with the same ingredients, the taste can vary depending on who is cooking, which is another artistic aspect of food. Suddenly, my wife seems extraordinary.



I’m someone whose musical and artistic abilities are far below average. It might be natural that I don't show any talent in cooking, given my lack of artistic talent. Looking back on my life, it's something I don't want to admit but must accept. I would love to create impressive dishes, but for the sake of those around me, I'll hold back in this lifetime. However, if some unknown artistic talent within me ever emerges, I will take on the challenge of cooking. For that day... should I at least practice my knife skills? ^^

'Monologue' 카테고리의 다른 글

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