
Can Time Forgive?

talk2myself 2024. 8. 16. 00:44

With the passage of time, bad memories and wrongdoings gradually fade away. Hatred toward someone can become blurred, and the heart may grow more inclined toward forgiveness. Time heals our pain, softening the hatred and resentment within us. This is likely because harboring such negative emotions for too long only leads to our own deterioration. However, time is not a cure-all. Even if a wound heals, scars remain, reminding us of painful memories.

But there is one crucial point to remember: while time may help heal the victim's wounds, it is not time that forgives the perpetrator's sins. Some people say that enough time has passed, so we should forgive, understand, and cover up what needs to be covered. However, what truly matters is the victim's feelings and the perpetrator's remorse, not simply the passage of time.


In Korea, the failure to clearly hold perpetrators accountable has led to ongoing consequences. The lack of proper punishment for collaborators during the Japanese occupation has allowed their descendants to thrive in society, often attempting to cover up their ancestors' pro-Japanese actions. They mix lies with truth, distorting history and using historical facts as tools for political gain, plunging the public into confusion.


It is difficult to hold the descendants of collaborators accountable for the actions of their fathers or grandfathers. However, a clear framework must be established to ensure that these descendants recognize the shame of their ancestors' actions before it's too late. Looking at our history since liberation, one must question whether we could proudly tell future generations to sacrifice themselves and fight for the country if we were ever to face another national disgrace.

This year marks the 79th anniversary of Korea's liberation, and once again, the media is abuzz. While there may be many reasons for the conflicts in our society today, one of the main causes is the lack of firm punishment for wrongdoers and the absence of clear historical education regarding them. For nearly 80 years, we have failed to address this issue due to various obstructive efforts. If delivering justice is too difficult, we must at least ensure that the truth is widely known through accurate education so that those who need to reflect on their actions do so, preventing history from repeating itself. This is why studying modern and contemporary Korean history is so important.

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