

talk2myself 2024. 8. 14. 12:57

Superman, Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Korea's Hong Gil-dong.



These are all superheroes with powers beyond those of ordinary people. Although they don't exist in reality, we are captivated by the movies and novels they appear in. We cheer as they display incredible superhuman abilities to defeat equally powerful villains. Sometimes, we even wish we had such superhuman powers.


However, I am glad that I don't possess such superhuman abilities. If I did, I doubt I could live as dedicated a life as they do. Helping others at the expense of oneself requires immense courage, and having great power demands even greater self-control.


‘With great power comes great responsibility.' - in Spiderman


Moreover, I question whether it would be justifiable for me to punish others solely because I have superhuman powers or whether I could always make the right decisions. Seeing myself get angry at cars that suddenly cut in front of me, I realize I lack the qualities of a superhero.


Nevertheless, while there are no real superheroes in our society, there are surprisingly many people with heroic qualities. Many people offer kind words when we are in trouble, and numerous individuals spend their time and money to help others.



Of course, there are also those with the qualities of villains. They instill selfishness and defeatism in people, causing societal turmoil and exploiting it for their gain. Sometimes, they even pretend to be superheroes, turning innocent people into villains. In movies, villains are clearly defined, but reality is not so simple. Therefore, it is harder to eliminate real-life villains than movie villains.


In my view, and from what I observe around me, there are more heroes than villains in our society. Although it may seem like we are currently losing because the heroes' strength is not yet united, just as in movie endings, they will eventually defeat the villains and save us. Ordinary people like me can only quietly support our society's "Iron Men," trust them, and wait.

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