

talk2myself 2024. 8. 12. 13:50

When I was around 27, I went to a tarot reader in Sinchon with a female friend, just for fun. The reading was horrifying. The reader told me that my life had been going downhill since I was 20. Given that I had felt something was wrong since entering university, I was taken aback by her words. I then asked when this downhill slide would end, and she said it would be at 33.


At the time, I just laughed it off, thinking six years was a long way off. When I turned 33, I remembered that tarot reading. I was going through the darkest tunnel of my life at that point, and suddenly recalling the reading gave me a brief but faint glimmer of hope. Do you think that tarot reader was genuinely insightful? You could never find out her now, as it was a story from over 20 years ago.



My mother enjoyed getting her fortune told. At one fortune-telling session, she was told that she would live with her second son among her three boys and that she would live a lonely life without a partner. Now, my mother lives with her second son and has indeed lived a lonely life.


Throughout our lives, we encounter various forms of fortune-telling. We might say it's just for fun, but deep down, we hope for messages that give us hope for an uncertain future. It's fine to hold onto hopeful messages as long as they remain just hopes. However, if hope turns into certainty and that certainty prevents us from confronting reality, it becomes a problem. It's best to dismiss bad fortunes, but that's easier said than done. Whenever something bad happens, we recall the fortune. That negative message seeps into our subconscious and affects us without our awareness.


The message that my life was on a downhill path might have entered my subconscious, leading me to accept bad things as fate and hindering my efforts to resolve them. My mother's fortune of living a lonely life might have stayed in her subconscious, causing her to push others away and make herself lonely.


Our consciousness is weaker than we think, susceptible to various negative messages that try to influence our lives. If you can't confidently disregard the contents of a fortune, don't get it read. How could a person's fate be predetermined? And how could someone know it?

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