

talk2myself 2024. 8. 8. 13:32

A misunderstanding has occurred. I had no such intention, but the other person got the wrong idea. It's been several months since the misunderstanding arose, and I only recently became aware of it. I tried to resolve the misunderstanding, but by then, the other person had already closed their heart. No matter how much I explain the facts, it seems difficult to open that closed door.


However, I wasn't the one who created the misunderstanding in the first place. The other person misunderstood, and if she had talked to me right away, we might have been able to clear it up. Instead, she misunderstood, made her own judgments about the situation, and then made a decision to close her heart.


In this situation, should I make an effort to resolve the misunderstanding? Is it right for me to explain step by step why the misunderstanding occurred from beginning to end? Why should I be the one to bear the full burden of this misunderstanding that the other person created on her own?


If it were just an acquaintance or a friend, I wouldn't be so worried. In that case, I could just let it be, and eventually, the misunderstanding might clear up on its own or the relationship might naturally fade away. The problem is that this misunderstanding has occurred within the family.


I've always clashed with this person. Each time, I've tried hard to resolve things well. But this time, I seem to be worn out. I no longer have the will to try to resolve it well. In truth, I know what the solution is. But it's beyond my capability to handle it.



1. The other person misunderstood me on her own.

2. She has no will to resolve it and demands something beyond my capabilities.

3. She is a member of family.

4. Will time heal this, or should I keep trying to clear up the misunderstanding?

'Monologue' 카테고리의 다른 글

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