
Life flows on somehow.

talk2myself 2024. 8. 10. 13:13

There is a planned A and an unplanned B. From A's perspective, B lives without any plans. It seems like B just goes with the flow, dealing with things impulsively without preparing for the future. B, on the other hand, finds A's life frustrating, feeling that A wastes time meticulously planning for a future that may never unfold as intended. B believes that as long as you live in the moment, everything will turn out fine.



It is pointless to debate who between A and B leads a happier life because everyone's circumstances and situations are different. In the story of the ant and the grasshopper, the grasshopper seems irresponsible for not preparing for winter. But what if they lived in a tropical region where there is no winter? Or in today's entertainment-driven world, wouldn't someone with the grasshopper's talents thrive more?


However, it is also true that living without any plans can feel unsettling. The issue isn't about whether to make plans or not. Whether you diligently plan for the future or live contentedly in the present, life moves on regardless. The key is not to struggle with an uncertain future or a tough present. Whether you worry about the future or simply accept the present and live on, the future won't change much. It's not about whether you make plans or not; it's about how you live each moment that makes your life shine.



Indeed, life flows on, one way or another. Don't strain yourself too much. If you are happy, fully enjoy that happiness; if not, don't blame yourself or your fate. Just let yourself be in the present and cherish this moment.

Regardless of your mood, life just flows on somehow. Don't worry about where it will lead; enjoy the moments as they come.

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