
People's thoughts and feelings

talk2myself 2024. 8. 24. 12:32

Anyone's thoughts and feelings are truly difficult to understand. What seems right to me may not be so for others, and actions or words I intend without any particular meaning can be interpreted differently by someone else. Just because I like someone doesn't mean they will like me back. A kind gesture I offer with good intentions might be a burden to another person.


Honesty doesn’t necessarily solve these problems. Sometimes, honesty can hurt. We worry about the potential pain our honest words might cause to others, yet staying silent can lead to deepening misunderstandings.


Despite this, I generally choose honesty. Misunderstandings that arise from not speaking up tend to grow over time, and the wounds caused by such misunderstandings can become even more painful for both parties. While honesty can be difficult in the moment, in the long run, it prevents deeper wounds. However, excessive honesty can also make people feel distant from me. This is where the challenge lies—finding the balance between being honest enough to clear up misunderstandings without going too far.

If everyone in the world had a good mind, we would understand their good intentions, and any wounds would heal quickly. But the problem is that there are also bad people who try to exploit the hearts of kind and naive individuals. Yet, identifying such people isn’t easy either.


Living in this world is not easy. Perhaps that’s what makes it interesting.

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