
I don't want to do anything.

talk2myself 2024. 8. 22. 10:27

There are times when I don't really have anything I want to say or write.


There are days when I desperately don't want to do anything at all.


Days when even the simple acts of taking a shower, eating, talking, or even just breathing feel like a chore.


Of course, I still took a shower, ate something, talked, and breathed just fine, but the heat shows no sign of letting up, and my body feels utterly drained.



I tried to force myself to push through, but then I decided to change my approach.


I resolved to just have a cold cup of coffee and let myself go with the flow, without forcing anything.


Do I really need to push myself so hard?


On days when I don't feel like doing anything, maybe it's okay to just put work aside for a while and enjoy doing nothing.

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