
I thought I was the only one left.

talk2myself 2024. 8. 26. 12:00

The initial purpose of starting this was to take some time to organize my thoughts through writing. Whether anyone reads my posts or not wasn't really important to me. But after a few days of no visitors, I have to admit it feels a bit strange. It's as if I'm shouting into the void, alone in the world. Worried that I might actually be the only one left, I checked next door, and found that their place is bustling with people.

Ah, so the world hasn't ended after all. What a relief. ^^;;


I remind myself of my original intention. This blog is my personal journal. Writing allows me to escape from the worries of the world, even if just for a moment. For that alone, I'm gaining something valuable.


I've been working on a short story lately, but I've hit a roadblock and can't seem to move forward. Maybe it's time for a break? I hope that when I read this a month from now, I'll have made some progress. If not, I'll have to give myself a stern talking-to.

'Monologue' 카테고리의 다른 글

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