
Parental Responsibilities

talk2myself 2024. 7. 8. 14:29

Someone once said that because I wasn't born by my own will, I owe no responsibility to my parents, but because I chose to have my child, I have infinite responsibility towards my child. In other words, since I chose to bring my child into the world, I am solely responsible for them and should not expect anything in return. Sometimes, parents say to their children, "Do you know how much I sacrificed to raise you?" and expect something in return or try to control them. As a parent, you can advise your children and teach them what they need to know for the future, but you do not have the right to force them. While children should feel grateful for their parents’ care and can consider their parents' advice as guidance, it is not an obligation.

However, I believe that parental responsibility should end when the child becomes an adult. Being bound to your child and dedicating your entire life to them is unfortunate for both the parent and the child. The person who will stay with me for the rest of my life is not my child or my parent, but my spouse.

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