

talk2myself 2024. 7. 5. 13:59

As you get older, you tend to distance yourself from people, and the same goes for friends. Since everyone has their own family and life, it becomes harder to find common ground as you did when you were younger, so growing apart can be seen as natural. However, it is hard to say that friends are completely unnecessary as you age. It’s not simply a matter of 'needing friends or not,' but rather about the kind of friends you have. Some people may have friends who still empathize and care for them despite changes in their circumstances. But having friends isn’t an absolute necessity. Just as there are good friends, there are also bad friends. In that case, it’s right to cut ties with bad friends. Clinging to bad friends because of past memories only wastes your time and emotions. What kind of friend am I to my friends? Am I showing them the qualities I want in a friend?

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