

talk2myself 2024. 7. 6. 15:07

Memories are often beautified, but they usually do not contribute much to our lives. Reminiscing about the past can bring temporary joy, and even the tough times seem worthwhile and meaningful through the lens of nostalgia. However, in reality, memories do not significantly help our current lives. Instead, they can hold us back and hinder our growth. It is natural for people to change over time, but being tied to memories can prevent us from evolving and cause us to fall behind. At some point, you might find that the people with whom you shared those memories are living entirely different lives. While they are moving forward, you remain stuck in the past, and you criticize them for changing. Past memories should remain like a good movie you watched. You can feel good about it and discuss it with the people you watched it with, but you can't stay in the theater and watch the same movie over and over just because it was good.

However, it is really hard to let go of the music we listened to during our school days and twenties.

'Monologue' 카테고리의 다른 글

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