
Getting older is..

talk2myself 2024. 7. 10. 14:18

It may seem like everyone desires youth, but that’s not really the case. People often say things like, "Youth is wonderful. I wish I could go back to those days," but this sentiment is mixed with regrets about past mistakes and missed opportunities, rather than a pure desire for youth itself. I used to long for my younger days too, appreciating the vibrant and healthy body I had in my twenties. However, I love who I am now. Even though I’m not as strong as I once was, my skin has lost its elasticity, and I have more gray hairs, this is my prime. My body may have aged, but I am more mature mentally, and I believe I have gained more knowledge and wisdom than before. I look forward to my fifties because I will continue to grow in maturity and wisdom.

When I compare my current self to my twenties, a time when I was uncertain and emotionally immature, I realize that now, whether good or bad, I have gained valuable experiences, and my patience and understanding of others have deepened. Do you regret the things you didn’t do in your youth? Why regret them? Who is stopping you from doing them now? Try what you can now and let go of the things you can’t do. Instead of dwelling on what you missed, find new things that you can achieve now.

As I approach the end of my forties, my life might seem insignificant to others, but I believe it is beautiful and will become even more splendid in my fifties.



"Getting older is like climbing a mountain; you get a little out of breath, but the view is much better."

                                                                                                                                  Ingrid Bergman

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