
When your life is tough..

talk2myself 2024. 7. 11. 13:27

Sixteen years ago, due to health reasons, I quit my job in my early thirties and started a small business with money borrowed from those around me. As expected, I faced difficulties in the beginning, and it wasn't until six months later that I began to break even.

Just when I needed to push harder, a problem arose. A loan taken out in my name by a family member when I was employed became an issue. Although I can't go into the details, this loan situation eventually forced me to hand over my business.


"I was just working hard on my own business, so why is this happening to me?"

"Why do the people I trusted push me further into a corner and remain indifferent?"


These thoughts led me to feel disillusioned with people and society. Standing on the subway platform, watching the approaching train, I thought:

"Just one step with courage, and I can escape from here."


Of course, I didn't have that kind of courage. At that time, I was a shadow of a person. I had lost over 10 kg, had no money, and was losing the will to live.


The one who supported me through that time was my current wife. She stood by me quietly, even before we were married, when I had nothing.


When life is tough, dwelling on my current struggles doesn’t help much. Thinking about my difficult situation only makes me weaker. Instead, we can find hope and will to live from the people we love. The reason I didn’t take that fatal step on the platform was because of the shock it would cause to my loved one. I couldn't make her experience such a terrible thing just because she loved me.

And when life is tough, I hold on to the hope that now is the hardest moment in my life, so things will get better from here. It can't get worse than this. Hope can help a person endure hardships for a long time.


After going through that difficulty, I had a period of quite decent and happy life. Now, another challenge has come my way. But I believe I can overcome it this time as well. The vaccine I received 16 years ago is still within me.


When your life is hard and tough, just changing your perspective can turn the situation around. In fact, hardship and adversity are not created by external factors but from within ourselves.

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