
Angel and Demon

talk2myself 2024. 7. 27. 13:33

Can I see this through to the end? Do I have the potential to succeed?



"No! You can’t do it! You’ll never make it! So give up and find another path. Look around! There are so many people more talented than you. What you’re doing now is a waste of time!"


"That’s not true. You can do it! You’ve only just started. Everyone is clumsy at first. If you just persevere and don’t give up, you’ll eventually succeed! Believe in yourself!"


"What are you talking about? Holding onto something that won’t work out is foolish. Sometimes, quitting early is the right answer. You have no experience in this field and haven’t received proper training. Quitting now is the smart thing to do!"


"If you give up again, you’ll regret it later. And whatever you do in the future, you’ll end up quitting again. You carefully chose this path. So don’t you think it’s worth investing a bit more time and effort?"


"Even if you don’t give up now, you might regret it more later. Think about the time and effort wasted trying to do something beyond your capability. Knowing when to quit is also a form of courage."


"Look back on your life. Which do you regret more: the things you gave up on midway or the things you saw through to the end? Even if the things you completed didn’t yield enough results, they still brought some rewards. But if you quit halfway, you get nothing. Don’t make the same mistake again!"


"But when you see something through to the end and it fails, the impact and damage are much greater. You could withstand it when you were younger, but what about now? Can you still endure failure? And what about wasting precious time? Is it worth it?"


"Whether the outcome of your efforts is a happy ending or a sad ending, you deserve to see it through. If you stop midway, you’ll never know the ending. You’ll spend your life wondering about it. Whether life is a comedy or a tragedy, that moment might be happy or sad, but in the long run, it’s just a part of our life. Don’t be too afraid of seeing the ending."



We constantly agonize over whether to continue or quit something. We hesitate because we don’t know which choice is the best. Sometimes, stubbornly going all the way can lead to falling off a cliff, and in such cases, we need to stop midway. However, if we don’t go all the way, we’ll never find the city of gold.

Because we can’t know if the destination is a cliff or a city of gold, we hesitate at every moment. The choice is ours, and we must bear the consequences. Our lives are truly unpredictable and unfathomable. What an exciting life, isn't it?

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