
Will Truth and Justice Prevail?

talk2myself 2024. 7. 31. 13:13

Do truth and justice always triumph over falsehood and injustice? I'm not sure. Whether I look into the past through history books or examine the present through the news, I can't be certain that truth and justice always win.


Could it be that we are being deceived into believing in the righteousness of truth and justice so that the majority of us follow these ideals while a minority benefits from our adherence?


Are the principles we call justice and morality truly the directions we should pursue?


Why do we see people who use tricks and shortcuts living more happily than those who pursue rules and righteousness?


Why is our society increasingly resembling a wild world where anything is permissible for survival, where using foul play and illegality to survive is accepted as a natural law?


Is the self-correcting function of our society working at all?



We must apply much stricter standards to those who enforce the law, politicians, and public officials. Instead of focusing on the transgressions of celebrities and the private lives of entrepreneurs, we should impose harshly strict standards and more severe punishments on those who have the most significant impact on our lives and those of our descendants.


Will such a time come during my lifetime? Will such a leader emerge? And even if they do, can they change our society against the established interests?


I hope this distorted society can be set right, so that a world truly like what we learned about in school, where everyone lives upright and conscientiously, becomes a reality. However, judging by the current state of education, technology, and people's awareness, it seems unlikely to happen within the next 50 years.


Still, I hope that our children can live in a society that values mental and moral well-being over mere economic wealth. I wish for them to lead philosophical lives that seek the true meaning of existence rather than sacrificing everything for materialistic pursuits.

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