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talk2myself 2024. 9. 25. 13:05

Sometimes, without much thought or even by accident, people tell lies. Those lies might attract attention, be somewhat effective, or unintentionally bring some benefit. In such cases, it's not difficult for one lie to lead to the next. If a lie is caught, one can just laugh it off and say it was a joke. The loss from being caught isn't significant, but the gains from not being caught can be substantial.


As this cycle continues, lies multiply, the number of deceivers grows, and the lies themselves become bigger. However, frequent lying inevitably leads to losing the trust of those around you. Occasionally, a person may even feel guilt over their habit of lying. In these moments, they might convince themselves that the lies they tell are actually true, or that, while the statement may not be true now, it will be in the future, justifying their actions by believing they aren't lying at all. When caught, they often claim they truly didn't know.

Those who reach a point where they can deceive themselves no longer feel guilt about their lies, because to them, it isn’t a lie at all.


It is said that humans' ability to lie has significantly influenced the development of language. In the art of persuasion, with all its embellishments, lying plays a major role in enriching human language. There are also so-called “white lies” that don’t harm others and sometimes even offer comfort. Lies aren’t always bad.


However, lies told to exploit others for personal gain can deeply wound those who are deceived and, in some cases, completely ruin their lives. A seemingly insignificant lie can have a profound impact on someone else’s life.


We often blame the person who was deceived rather than the one who lied, pointing fingers and calling them foolish. But something feels wrong about that. How is it different from blaming a person for not dodging a knife rather than blaming the one who wielded it?

I hope that lies that only serve to harm others for personal gain will disappear.