
Breaking away from routine

talk2myself 2024. 7. 17. 13:18

From the moment you wake up in the morning until you fall asleep at night, how many different events fill your day? When you lie in bed at night and reflect on the day, there might be a few minor incidents that come to mind, but in reality, nothing much would have changed compared to the day before. This is especially true during the workweek. We live such repetitive lives that our days seem to pass by quickly. If your weekdays from Monday to Friday are filled with similar activities, the five days you spent will feel no different from a single day. Over time, a year's experiences can feel no more significant than a month's. This is why we often perceive a year as if it has passed in the blink of an eye.



We need to enrich our seemingly monotonous and swiftly passing lives with more variety.


That's why we need a break from the routine. Breaking away from the routine stimulates our brains and bodies, making our life experiences richer. By trying out activities we don't usually do, we can experience a wide range of emotions we wouldn't normally feel. This is one reason why we travel. Getting away from the usual places, meeting new environments and people, brings us joy. But since we can't travel every day, we can incorporate small elements of travel into our daily lives. It doesn't have to be a grand escape. Walking down an unfamiliar street, trying new foods, or wearing different clothes are good ways to start. Even if the outcome isn't great, it provides an opportunity to learn more about ourselves.

Listening to music you don't usually listen to, reading books you don't typically read, or adopting new behaviors and speech patterns can also be beneficial. Even trying something for just one day can give you a fresh perspective on yourself. You might find unexpected ideas or discover something that surprisingly suits you well.



Beyond what you can gain from these small departures from routine, they can bring new meaning to your life.


In a life that cannot be reset, these breaks provide us with opportunities to consider how much we miss out on in our limited time, and how much we waste by sticking to our routines.

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